The entrance to the structure remains only one and it is the usual entrance of the past years, thenvece le vie di uscita che diventano due, uno verso l’area snack e il secondo

towards the shadow area. Before entering the foot wash basin, a dispenser will be placed for hand sanitizing, then the customer can pass through the foot wash basin, dipping the shoe as usual and then stopping at the adjacent pool operator station, wearing the mask, for temperature measurement. The operator will perform the temperature scan wearing a mask and goggles or visor and will be required to sanitize the hands after the operation.

Once the welcome procedures have been completed, you will be able to take a seat in the solarium, through a dedicated and differentiated path from the exit path, in order to limit close encounters
Access to the sunbeds or deckchairs must take place on the right side as well as the removal, this to limit the space between the beds which has been fixed at 130 cm, a distance that allows widely to have the safety distance between neighboring users even in operations. of movement.

The aids of the solarium (sunbeds, deckchairs, etc.) cannot be moved or moved, in order not to vary the mandatory measures of social distancing.
The service will take place through a mandatory telephone booking at a specific number (no sms, or what’s up), to avoid crowds.

A maximum number of users is set which is 16 people for the solarium and 7
people for the shadow area, one for each established position.
The time spent in the facility will also be limited to 2 hours, and verified by the staff
Reservations can be made for the following time slots:
The maximum number of people bathing in the pool is set at 6.
No more than 4 people can immerse themselves in the whirlpool.
It is understood that the standard regulation also remains in force.
The pool operator will be responsible for enforcing this protocol as well and will have
power to remove those who refuse to respect the protocol, who should
result with a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5 degrees centigrade and in case of refusal by part
of the customer to leave, the operator is obliged to contact the manager
of the plant and the authorities 112.
To avoid crowds, the shadow area will also be closed every evening.
The toilet facilities of the swimming pool, located on the second floor of the garages, will be, for this year, at the end
to limit the chances of contagion, closed to the public, not being able to guarantee correct disinfection after uses to f and used only by service personnel
properly trained for this.
Finally, the walking surfaces (solarium and shaded area) will be sanitized at the end of each day, by spraying with a disinfectant solution based on active chlorine.
As for the vending machines, their use will be prohibited during the hours outside the garrison. Headphones cannot be distributed until the end of the emergency, therefore each user must be provided with them.
Toys, armrests, etc can no longer be shared by children.